わびさび 日本の心を世界に広げよ〜!
Furoshiki風呂敷 って便利ですよね〜。 昔の人はこれでなんでも運びました。買い物袋としてはもちろん。お酒。お菓子。子供。いろんな 結び方をおぼえて異国の人達に披露してあげましょう!。余興としてもきっと盛り上がると思いますっ!。昔のどろぼうはみんなこの唐草模様のふろしきを持っていたものな んですけどね〜。今考えてみると合理的で泥棒が持つのもわかるな〜。 でもでもなんで風呂なんでしょ?。 風呂敷の語源はその名の通り風呂に敷くというところからきているみたいです。詳しい事は語源のサイトを読んでみて下さい。ははは。 Furoshiki is so convenient, isn't it? People in the past used it to carry everything. Not just as a shopping bag, but also for carrying alcohol, snacks, children, you name it! Let's learn various wrapping techniques and show them off to people from different countries! It will surely be an entertaining performance! Speaking of the past, all the thieves used to carry this furoshiki with the arabesque pattern, you know? Looking back now, it's rational, and I can understand why thieves would have it. But hey, why is it called "furo" (bath)? The origin of the word "furoshiki" seems to come from the fact that it was used to spread on the bath. For more details, please check out a site on etymology. Hahaha. |