わびさび 日本の心を世界に広げよ〜!
folding umbrellaある日の日経新聞に書いてあったんですが…。意外や意外。外国の旅行者が日本で買っていくお土産No1が「折りたたみ傘」らしいです。 何でも外国には日本のような折りたたみ傘の文化が無いそうです。 しかも最近の日本の折りたたみ傘はとってもおしゃれ。 まとめて何十本も買っていくらしいですよ。 よくよく考えれば、扇子やちょうちんと同じこれも折りたたみの文化ですね。 日本人ってなんでもコンパクトにまとめるのが得意みたいです。According to an article in a recent edition of the Nikkei newspaper... Surprisingly enough, it seems that the number one souvenir purchased by foreign travelers in Japan is the "folding umbrella." It appears that foreign countries don't have a culture of folding umbrellas like Japan does. Moreover, recent Japanese folding umbrellas are very fashionable. It's said that people buy dozens of them in bulk. When you think about it, it's another example of the Japanese culture of compactness, just like fans and lanterns. It seems that Japanese people are skilled at compactly organizing anything. |