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Top > Wind Chime
Wind Chime風の鈴と書いて風鈴(ふうりん)って呼ぶよころなんかはおしゃれですよね。 風鈴にはガラスでできた江戸風鈴、南部鉄器でできた南部風鈴などがあります。 その他にも最近では備長炭でできた風鈴や漆で出来た風鈴などもあります。 風鈴はそもそも魔よけとして家の四隅に吊るしておいたところから始まりました。音が魔物を追い払ってくれると信じられていたようです。 中国から仏教とともに渡来し日本のさまざまな文化と融合し現在の風鈴となりました。 江戸で大流行となったガラス製の風鈴は当初見世物として各地を回っていました。 値段にすると数百万はするシロモノだったようです。透き通ったガラスと涼しい音色。 きっと不思議な物だったんでしょう。 夏の暑さをやわらげてくれる涼しい音色は心を癒してくれますよね。 The term "f?rin" is used to refer to wind chimes written as "風の鈴." It adds a stylish touch, doesn't it? There are various types of wind chimes, such as Edo wind chimes made of glass and Nanbu wind chimes made of Nanbu ironware. Recently, there are also wind chimes made of Binchotan charcoal and lacquer. Wind chimes originally started by hanging them in the corners of houses as a charm against evil spirits. It was believed that the sound would ward off malevolent beings. Wind chimes were introduced to Japan along with Buddhism from China and merged with various Japanese cultural elements, resulting in the wind chimes we have today. Glass wind chimes, which became hugely popular in Edo, initially traveled around as attractions. They were valued at several million yen, with their transparent glass and soothing sounds. They must have been fascinating objects. The cool sound that alleviates the summer heat also soothes the heart, doesn't it? |